The Button: How to Play

Note: This game does not work on Microsoft Edge, sorry about that.

You can get money by clicking the "Get money." button. Tip: You can click and hold enter to "click" something a lot.

Mini prestiges

You can mini infinity for $308. It will reset your progress but increase your click power. You can also mini eternity for $94864. The cost will increase by ^1.3 every time you mini eternity. It will reset your progress but multiply your progress by 30.


You can multiply your progress by 2 for $10000, which increases by ^1.23 every time you buy it. Remember, upgrades aren't reset by mini-prestiges. There is another upgrade that lets you quintuple (multiply by 5) the mini infinity gain for $200000, which increases by ^1.5 every time you buy it.

Button Power

Button power is unlocked at $1e10. It gives a boost to money gain based on log2(BP), and you get it at a rate of log10($) per second. There are BP upgrades you can buy with money that improve BP.

Temporal Engine

The temporal engine is unlocked once you buy the e48 button power upgrade. The Temporal Engine provides tickspeed upgrades, which multiply money gain. There are 3 upgrades for it you can buy for money. One of them unlocks two more BP uprades.